Why Post Capital
It's a subversive anagram of Stop Capital, bringing about a revolution through witty virtue signalling and coffee break militancy.
A major identifying feature of the current age is the rise of social media, the fracturing of news and the subsequent development of our personal information bubbles. We live in a time of curated, even commodified truths and permanent tribalism.
People are increasingly comfortable, if not happy living in these safe little zones. There’s no need to understand or engage with each other, all of your views are reflected back at you and there’s just no complexity. Everyone outside is bad, everyone inside is good. It provides a simple way of dealing with the world - by ignoring most of it.
I like simplicity, simple is good. I have two kids and a busy job, I don’t have time to be parsing every piece of information for evidence and assessing the biases of the sources. I’d love nothing more than a comfy bubble to just feed me happy stories about how great my opinions are.
Which takes me to the reason why I’m writing this blog.
As an anti-capitalist, I looked for my tribes bubble. I searched everywhere. I joined Facebook, I joined Twitter, I even tried Instagram and LinkedIn. Nothing. Or, if not quite nothing, then not quite enough to be satisfying. Wherever I went, I could not find a sufficient community of media.
Even where I found populations of self-described leftists, I had a secondary problem. As I pulled back the layers in these groups, first removing the Authoritarian Left (😘censorship stans), the Cultural Left (the Not Left) and finally the Weirdo Sectarians I found there were precious little Left… left.
This wasn’t enough. I was desperate to have my own opinions reflected back at me. Thinking in this vein I had an amazing idea - what if I wrote them myself?
Perfect. Now I can wallow in my own greatness, just by writing and subscribing to my own blog. If the techno-overlords are not going to provide me a bubble, well then, I’m just going to have to create my own.
Reader, this blog isn’t for you. It’s for me and others exactly like me. I won’t strictly stop you from subscribing, but it’s almost certainly not up your alley.
However, maybe you too are a nomadic post-capitalist and you were just wondering why the name “Post Capital” and what it will actually contain?
Well I’ve decided to call it Post Capital for three reasons:
Ideally, this blog will bring about the end of capitalism.
I want to offer a positive vision. I want to convince others of a world of expanded freedom, not merely to sit back and criticise the present.
It’s a cool sounding name that no one else had taken yet.
If you’ve read this far you are more or less captured already. You’ve already committed several minutes of your life, so if you don’t subscribe then all that time will have gone to waste.